Impact Capital Advisors

Fund Management

ICA was founded primarily to serve and address “missing middle” (Small & Medium Enterprise) financing in Africa by raising PE/VC funds to provide alternative appropriate
funding to SMEs in Africa.

20 %
of private sector
businesses are SMEs
20 %
of the GDP in SSAs
are from SMEs
1 %
of SMEs in Africa have
access to finance
$ 1
trillion financing gap for
SMEs in Africa per year

Funds Currently Under Management

ICA currently has the following funds under management with each fund having its own 100% dedicated investment management team.

Industrial Support Fund (ISF) Ghana

A closed-end venture capital fund targeting agro-processing and light (Small Scale) manufacturing SMEs in Ghana to impact the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) and mitigation of COVID-19 effects in Ghana.

Funds Under Development

ICA currently has the following funds under development with each fund having its own 100% dedicated investment management team.

Do you need funding for an innovative new business idea?